Applications are now opened. Click on the Pride in Luton festival above.
Pride In Luton is a free event thanks to the generosity of our supporters
Yes, we have tried to make Pride in Luton as accesible to everyone as possible, including:
If you need support on the day, please speak to a Pride Host
Expect a family day out filled with love and hope. We know not everyone has experienced Pride before and Luton might be your first.
If you need to speak to someone on the day to ask a question, find something out or because you are lost speak to one of our Pride hosts (they'll be in a Pride in Luton T-shirt)
We have a whole host of things for families to do from arts and crafts, to drag story time, to enjoying the day.
Pride in Luton is taking place in the Hat District, Bute Street
The train station and main bus terminal is 300 meters from the Pride Zone.
Parking can be found in The Mall or Train Station.
Taxi's are available from the Train Station, High Town Road or from the Town Centre.
Bike storage is available at the Train Station.
Whilst we would love you to taste our wonderful street food, you are able to bring your own food and drink into the Pride area. However, no glass is allowed and you will be asked to decante it into plastic cups.
Bag searches may take place before you enter the Hat Factory Arts Centre,. Only food and drink purchased in the Hat Factory can be consumed in there.
Everyone is welcome at Pride and we don't judge. Photography/ filming and the media will be present on the day. If you notice yourself being photographed and don't want to be, please speak to a Pride Host.
We cannot guarentee you will not appear in any photos or filming.
We have been working hard with Bedfordshire Police to provide a safe and enjoyable day at Pride in Luton. We have security present and our Pride Hosts to make your day as fun as possible. If you feel unsafe at any point please speak to a police officer, Pride Host or member of security.